Your player's swing is NOT the problem
Do not miss out on this.
If there's one adjustment that can help your daughter (or son!) improve, it's not going to be her elbow...
...or her stride...
...it's going to be in changing her thoughts.
And you'll spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars in lessons and equipment...
and nothing on what is ACTUALLY holding her back.
Right now you have the opportunity to step up and give your child a MAJOR dose of positive mindset, encouragement and emotional control training that she so desperately needs.
And all it takes is just a SINGLE concept to connect with your kid to turn her into a totally different player on gameday.
Here's an email from a recent Bulletproof Hitter student:

So cool!
But seriously, sometimes kids need juuuuuust one little boost, or permission to let themselves play well.
They're so close to being great.
Here's another coach/dad who went through the program:
Okay just one more...I could read these all day :)
My wife sent me a link to Bulletproof and I am incredibly thankful. She cannot remember how she came across your site, but the Lord made sure it got to me. It was an easy decision to purchase the series after reading your philosophy.
Landon and I watched the Intro and Lesson One last night. We talked through it. We discussed his fears and some tips on how to change our mindset. Then he asked if we could walk out to the cage and take some BP. We both learned from the videos.
When he would get frustrated I would simply remind him that we needed to change our perspective, nod at the issue because he knew how to fix it, and move onto the next swing. I don’t believe that all of it set in for either of us, but I do believe that we were communicating in a way we hadn’t before. He asked if we could do one or two videos a day—how perfect is that?
Regardless of the improvement in Landon’s game, I believe the value of this investment is in the great communication I have seen in one night with my son. Priceless.
Robert R.
I'll be honest, that one kind of got me...I mean, how good is that???
I know finding programs online can make you scratch your head and wonder:
"Is this for real?"
And listen to me when I tell you:
Yes, this is for real.
Kid's careers are being changed and entire family weekends and relationships are being improved.
All because parents had the courage try something new for the sake of their kid's success.
And BTW, I'm not going to charge $1,000 for this either, I want this to be THE difference maker for YOUR child.

The program is called The Bulletproof Hitter, a 6 lesson program designed for young baseball and softball players to help give them the tools to deal with their emotions and play better in games.
If you're wondering if this will work for your son/daughter...
It will. 100%. It's guaranteed or money back.
The lessons are kept fairly short: 6-12 minutes, so it will connect with any young player.
Here's what your child will be taught in the Bulletproof Hitter program:
LESSON 1: How to Play Poorly Well
This game WILL come with failures, and your child puts too much pressure on himself to succeed. This causes tension, nervousness and over-trying, all of which will wreck his performance. Your child will be taught how to let go of the pressure he's putting on himself and how to properly handle the constant failures this game throws at him.
LESSON 2: The Imposter Syndrome
Kids often have low self confidence because they believe that they're not good enough, or that the competition is better than it really is. Your child is likely comparing his/her inner feelings to other's outer appearance, which is unfair. This lesson will teach them to give himself the credit he deserves, and also provides the #1 technique used by professional athletes to embrace their emotions and use the "nervous" energy to actually improve their game day performance!
LESSON 3: Self 1 vs Self 2
Overthinking while at the plate will make it almost impossible for your child to perform at their best. In this lesson we teach your child that he/she is actually two people: Self 1 the "teller" and Self 2 the "doer". This lesson will prove that if you are having success at any time - in practice, at home, in the cage, wherever - that that's proof that you can trust yourself as a capable hitter on game day.
LESSON 4: Quieting Self 1
Once your player realizes that Self 2 is his best self who performs so well in practice, she needs to learn how to turn off the inner chatter and make Self 1 "go away". But how do you do that??? This lesson is packed with applications - real strategies a player can use to occupy her/his mind, soothe the nerves and allow for the powerful and confident swing to be present at the plate!
LESSON 5: Act As If
Maybe my favorite concept ever, such a game changer. Confidence is everything, and in this lesson we train your child to act confidently BEFORE they have positive results. Too often we let the results dictate how we feel about ourselves, but we have it backwards! We have to act like a confident person BEFORE we have great success. This lesson gives instruction on how to do just that.
LESSON 6: Detach From Outcomes
In a game where having success 30% of the time is good, attaching self worth to his results will ruin your child's confidence. Stress, nervousness and worry come from players internalizing failures more than they should. In this lesson players are given multiple strategies to help them personally detach from the outcomes and perform boldly and care free on game day.
Not to brag here, but this training is outstanding...I wish I was given this when I was a player.
But hold on just one minute...
I've got two more things I want to share with you:

After I finished my playing days with the Astros I sold building materials. Getting my website to rank on the first page of Google was really important, and one "SEO" company wanted $1,000 a month, and assured me that I'd be on page 1 after three months.
$3,000 would have been well worth it to achieve that result. But the concern was...what if you DON'T get me on page 1??
These were just some random dudes from Indonesia...how was I supposed to trust them?
So I suggested to them that if they get me on page 1 in three months, I'll pay them $6,000, double what they're asking....BUT, if I'm not on page 1, I'll pay $500.
(I wanted to offer $0 but knew that wouldn't fly).
What did they say? "Welllllll, it's going to involve a lot of our time in creating links, blah blah blah." So no agreement was made.
Because I wasn't investing in their time, I needed a result.
And I know you are investing in your child's improvement, so if this program doesn't make your child a better player....boom, money back.
Zero risk to you.
When this works, it'll be worth 5x what you invested, but if somehow you aren't in love then I'll get you taken care of, 100%.
I'm putting my money where my mouth is... GIVE THIS A TRY. Don't let your kid miss out.
And to make this even more of a no-brainer for you, I've got an added bonus:
It's called The MISSILE Method Bat Speed Program, which has been measured and proven to add 3-6 MPH of bat speed the first time through.
By using 7 very simple concepts, I teach movements that can allow a player to tap into his power.
Again, I put this together trying to help my boy out in an area he could improve.
I went out and tried several drills and methods that supposedly improved bat speed...
...and I bought a Diamond Kinetics bat sensor to measure the results (now I use a Pocket Radar also).
Some drills didn't change the numbers much...
...and some changed them A LOT.
So I tried this on as many players as I could find, and bat speeds went up.
Every. Time.
Check out these *quick* improvements:

Take a look at the training I have ready for you:

Lesson 1: Mindset

Lesson 2: Intent

Lesson 3: Stance

Lesson 4: Separation

Lesson 5: Instinct

Lesson 6: Legs

Lesson 7: Extension
I'm telling you, the MISSILE Method program alone is worth the investment.
Take it from another parent who wanted his child to have the best training possible:

The MISSILE Method is a $197 program that I'm throwing in completely free as a bonus to you for taking bold action and signing up for The Bulletproof Hitter.
Let's Get to Work!
At this point you're probably wondering how many hundreds this investment in your child is going to be.
As I said earlier, I want this to be as much of a no-brainer as possible.
so for a limited time you can get The Bulletproof Hitter AND the MISSILE Method AND the 100% "I Love It" Guarantee and lifetime access for
$197 only $67
Or you can invest that money in another local hitting lesson :/
So don't wait. The investment amount will go back up to it's regular amount shortly.
I hope you truly believe me when I say that I WANT your child to encounter this training so that they can succeed.
This training works, and it's not okay for your child be 18 or 20 years old when he encounters some of these concepts that could have made the difference (or in most cases, never at all).
It will be too late!
You have an opportunity right now to step up and help your kid.
And seriously, what is your other alternative? Keep *hoping* she pulls it together?
The mind is a wild, destructive animal when left alone.
You have to take action.
Your son/daughter wants to play better, he wants to control his emotions...
and I will help him do just that.
That's my promise to you.
Click that button, you'll be very pleased you did!
Thanks, God Bless you and your family and now let's get to work!!