
CJ Beatty - The Baseball Motivator

Goal Setting: A Person With No Plan Has Planned To Fail

CJ Beatty, better known to many as The Baseball Motivator, is a former professional baseball player with the St Louis Cardinals Organization, Professional Scout, music artist and life coach.

CJ is an in demand speaker who travels the world motivating baseball players to live up to their potential and become the best versions of themselves.

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Summary and Action Plan below


Baseball was always CJ’s focus.

When CJ was 8 years old he shared his plan with his mom to get drafted, which set the course for everything he did in his baseball career.

Most common problem he sees is people not focusing on the mental.

Not being AWARE of it, not understanding and trying to compete without it.

You must understand how important controlling your mental game is. If someone were to ask you what were you thinking right there and you say “I don’t know”...that’s the main reason right there why you fail in those situations.

First thing CJ tells people: You’ve gotta have a plan. You have to know what you want to do, what adjustments need to be made. You must know

A person with no plan, has planned to fail. Guys don’t plan their weeks, don’t have any idea what activity will allow for you to reach your goal.

If your plan is “Hit the ball hard” or “See ball hit ball”...and that’s it! You’re not going to reach your goals. You’re going to be inconsistent statistically and emotionally.

You HAVE to be a student of the game. If you want to get better you have to hunt for answers and ask questions.

If you study the game, you WILL get better. It’s 1000% guaranteed.

CJ’s rookie year his coach gave him a yellow pad notebook. His coach at the time told him that every player that he’s ever coached that kept some sort of a journal, a hitting log, pitching log - something to *regularly* jot down their thoughts, has made it to at least AA (btw which is not easy to accomplish, even for rookie level players).

CJ didn’t actually take the advice seriously until independent baseball and his results skyrocketed. Keeping a regular notebook allows a player to understand their strengths, what adjustments can help, what mindsets work well, don’t work well...really just get your PhD in “Me”.

Be a professional at doing the things correctly. Guys aren’t great simply because they’re giftted, but also because they love the nuance on perfect footwork, anticipation, always being focused.

The dependable guy is valued over the extremely talented kid who is very inconsistent.

Don’t worry about bat speed *all* the time. Don’t worry about how hard you throw *all* the time. Focus on being a complete player.


Go out and get a notebook! For the next 3 weeks, after ever game (and preferably after each practice) spend at least 5-10 minutes writing and reflecting in that notebook. What went well today? What could have gone better? How did you feel today? What’s something you noticed? This is YOUR notebook, so you don’t have to share this with anyone else. Also, begin to think about a PLAN for your goals. Who do you want to be in 6 months? What would need to improve for that to be a reality? And how and when will you make those improvements.

You will have a HUGE advantage over your teammates and competition who are just rolling into practice to do whatever the coach has for them that day. Know what you want to get better at and as CJ says, work your plan to get better. Improvement is guaranteed. Go get it!!

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