Ryan Lehr - The Pure Swing
How To Use Your Legs To Increase Your Power
Favorite Quote: "If you cannot explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." Albert Einstein
The Pure Swing is a Southern California based hitting academy founded by 7-time Major League Allstar Reggie Smith, and former Minor Leaguer and 12 year professional Ryan Lehr. Together the two of them instruct students and players of all ages on the proper approach to being a professional hitter. Smith is one of the most sought after professional hitting coaches in the game, and with his 50+ years of experience in baseball, professionals and amateurs alike credit Reggie for their hitting success. The two provide private hitting lessons in Southern California and hold monthly camps throughout the Southwestern United States.
Check out Barry's posture/spine angle here. Very angled.
Summary and Action Plan below
What has been lost is importance on good old fashioned mechanics.
End of the day we’re human beings and we have to do what is natural. Data and analytics are result, not cause.
Don’t believe in knob of bat to baseball. The knob travels in an arch, only one split second does it face pitcher/ball
The knob and hands isn’t what you hit with, the barrel does. The knob has to be somewhere else aside from the pitcher if the barrel is going to hit there.
What the great hitters did came so naturally it can be difficult - and inaccurate - for them to put it into words/instruction.
Power - getting back foot on the ground should only happen when they’re fooled. Using ground forces by pushing off of the ground is what speeds up the bat and increases power. Foot comes off the ground you lose leverage.
Bruce lee 1 inch punch - using ground for power (chi)
First thing they do with a new hitter to increase power is to see what that individuals natural posture, stance width, etc.
Getting bat on plane for longest amount of time increases power...and increases contact.
If your feet are too narrow you won’t have power. If you’re too narrow when the front foot lands, your legs don’t have enough bend to push. Legs straighten out early and then top half is doing far more work than necessary...and if anyone, especially a kid, is too reliant on how strong their arms are to generate power they’re going to leave it on the table.
Stance isn’t crucial, but if you start tall and have a long stride, those guys tend to be less consistent. More high maintenance, more eye movement (if your head moves more than 4” during the swing you have the vision of a legally blind individual)
85% of the power generated in the swing is from the legs.
At some point we all get coached out of doing what’s natural.
The leg kick is for timing, not power.If it works, keep doing it! Just make sure you keep your head still. Make sure you compress - when front leg goes up, back leg/hip sinks toward ground.
Timing cannot be taught. Timing is a brain function.
Turning of the wrists right before contact influences spin on the ball.
“Posture” How it is found - put a heavy weight against chest (or just a bat parallel across shoulders for younger kids), hug it in and tilt over at the most comfortable position.
You’re going to see guys too tall way more than too leaned over.
Watch Goldschmidt’s posture, hunched then go up.
Bellinger has a lot of movement, and thus struggled toward end of season
The highest lifetime averages pre-set their spine angle instead of having to stride into it during the swing.
If you change your spine angle you will change the plane of the bat.
“Find your spine angle and keep turning”
As a hitter you CANNOT change your spine angle. To hit that low pitch you have to sink into your legs instead of reaching with your arms. *Think Beltre going to his knee*
Feet cannot be narrow and be powerful with their legs.
Back leg “Backside” needs to stay engaged in the ground. Back foot almost never comes of unless they’re fooled.
The more surface of your foot is attached to ground the more ground force you apply.
Learn how to drive the ball where it’s pitched. Don’t worry about power, it will come. Learn how to get better and hit with a purpose.
“You don’t have to compromise batting average to get more power, if you’re doing it right.”
Grab a fairly heavy weight, and have your son hold it against his chest. Have him tilt forward, a little bit and a lot....and see where he can find a happy medium where he feels strong. If he finds the "sweet spot", that is a good indicator that will also should be his spine angle when he hits. (Most kids are too upright).
The Pure Swing is big on staying connected to the ground. So a good exercise to try would be to get in your stance without a bat - and put full focus on your feet. Really feel your feet drive and twist against the ground as you swing/rotate. Try doing it slowly, and then faster. Get the feel for what it is like to push against the ground. This will help increase power from the ground up (like the kinetic chain, which we keep hearing about).