Congrats, Your order is confirmed!

Your link to the course will arrive in your inbox in the next few mins....before you get started, read below:
The Bulletproof Hitter is absolutely changing kid's and families game day experience.
...and I can't wait to turn your son up a notch as well!!!!
I will do everything that I can do to help your child PLAY THEIR BEST this season, so please take me up when I ask you to reach out and let me know your child's unique situation.
I want to help, and we're going to do just that.
One question that keeps coming up is: "How do you recommend that we watch the videos? He and I together? All videos at once or one at a time?
I'd suggest that you go through the videos slowly, maybe a couple a day. Ideally you can watch together, but there can be no "See I told you!" type of commentary from the parent, haha! If a player is self conscious about needing help in this area (he shouldn't be, but I get it) then maybe it's good to let him watch them on his own. Most parents have watched with their kids.
QUESTION 2: Can we rewatch the videos?
Yes. The course requires that you go through each video and quiz in order, but once completed you are free to go back to any video as often as you like....
...which is very helpful. The biggest key is to lasting success comes from consistency, so I'd recommend you watch regularly. Find what works for you, but I'd recommend watching at least one video a week after you've completed the course.
These strategies work SO well but can easily be forgotten until they become stick with it!
*Check your email in about 5 mins for the link to your programs...*
... if you have any trouble reach out to me at [email protected]
In the meantime, Like our page on Facebook and Instagram....reach out with any questions.