
America's #1 online mindset training program for baseball/softball

"Seriously life altering"  "Can't believe how well this worked" "Completely changed our kid"

Join the 61,940 families enjoying better results and attitude 

Are you tired of watching your player:

  • Play well in practice but struggle in games
  • Be way too nervous before a game
  • Play careful and afraid of making a mistake
  • Overthink everything
  • Be too hard on themselves after a bad moment
  • or abandon everything they've worked on during practice?

You've told them to "relax" and to "stay confident" - which is great advice.  But the problem is....

It's not helping.


The problem is that 99% of all ballplayers never encounter these real strategies when they can actually be useful.

But your kid doesn't have to miss out.

We have put together a SIMPLE, SHORT and very impactful online training to help your player to play their best and stay positive regardless of outcome.

The program is called The Bulletproof Hitter (and I cannot WAIT to show you the player transformations below....keep scrolling :)

What your player will learn:

✔️ How to take control of their behavior and negative thinking on the field.

✔️How to play without tension or fear of messing up

✔️How to stop being so hard on themselves after mistakes...

✔️What to do when they feel their anxiety starts to rise...

✔️but rather can feel those emotions and STILL fire off competitive swings and perform at their best anyway.

✔️How to be confident no matter the results!

✔️How to detach from outcomes on the field

✔️That their self doubts are NORMAL and how to work past them.

...And much more.

Who is this program for?

Any baseball or softball player who:

  • Does great in practice but struggles in games
  • Who's swing changes and becomes slow and careful on game day.
  • ...or who is too tight and nervous to swing at all!
  • Any player who is WAY to hard on themselves after a bad moment
  • Or who is too emotional on the diamond.
  • Any player who is afraid of getting hit by the pitch!
  • ...Or is a perfectionist and afraid of making mistakes.

Or any parent who:

  • Who wants to give their kid a tool to grab onto when their thoughts turn negative.
  • Believes that attitude is important on the field (and off!)
  • Who is tired of watching their kid hold themselves back.
  • Who is tired of the frustrated "car ride lecture" on the way home.
  • Has told their kid time and time again to "stay confident" and "relax"...and it's not working.
  • Who isn't satisfied with how things are going now, and want a better way.
  • Who just want their kid to simply enjoy the game again.

I have good news: The Bulletproof Hitter is the new and better way

You may be wondering "This sounds great, but is this for real?"

And I promise you: Yes, this is for Real.

Check it out, I have thousands of these:

"Hey Clint.  I'm glad to have come across your baseball series.  We absolutely love it and I'm glad to see my son feel more confident in the batters box.  It has changed the way he approaches hitting and the way we talk before and after games.  He has been much happier regardless of how he performed."  

"We are AMAZED at the transformation in Jake!  It has literally changed him and it's truly unbelievable!"

"Today I have never seen my son so happy.  He went 1-2 with an RBI single and strikeout.  After his strikeout he pitched a scoreless inning with 2 strikeouts - he normally would have fallen apart.  He keeps referring to himself as Carson 2.  He and I wanted to say thank you!"  Kyle

"I would like to tell you Thank you for your inspiration for my 10u player.  My son is Drew and he is playing travel ball this year and was struggling with the mental side of the game.  Since your videos and posts and good vibes he is doing a lot better.  This weekend his drive to achieve was outstanding!  He went 7 for 10 at the plate with 5 rips to the outfield.  What an improvement.  He is pumped about his success in the field adn in the batters box.  So thank you for all your good advice - it made a difference with Drew!"  Shane

"We finished watching the videos and Charlie (10) kept saying "This guy is so smart, that is exactly what I'm thinking"  Tim H

"I appreciate your program and guidance SO much!  My son Tanner watched 6 out of the 7 videos on Friday afternoon/evening.  When he played at a tournament on Saturday his confidence was SO improved!! He was even hitting to the opposite field, and at one point got a double, scoring 2 runners in!  Most of all, I could see your information sinking in and see his confidence level rising, regardless of what was happening in the game.  Thank you again for your help and support!"

The videos you put together are outstanding! I purchased the bulletproof hitter for my 11 year old son last year after he got off to a slow start. He was swinging and missing on pitches he normally crushes and not making hard contact. To make matters worse, we would go into a cage and crush it!! After ordering and watching the bulletproof hitter, within 2 weeks he was hitting the ball all over the field and was a more confident hitter, and having a lot more fun. This year, I have suggested the series to two parents on my son’s team who’s boys are all world in the cages but were swing and missing at everything in games. Since watching the videos, both boys are crushing it in games and having fun again. Just wanted to say thank you!

What to Expect Inside...

In just 6 short lessons (average length only 6 mins each!) your player will finally be taught what to do when they feel nervous. Click tab for details on each lesson:

  • 1. Playing Poorly Well
  • 2. Imposter Syndrome
  • 3.  The Two Selves
  • 4. Quieting The CHatterbox
  • 5. Act As If
  • 6. Detach from outcomes

This game WILL come with failures, and your kid puts too much pressure on themself to succeed. This causes tension, nervousness and over-trying, all of which will wreck their performance. Your child will be taught how to let go of the pressure they're putting on themself and how to stay composed during the constant failures this game throws at them.

Ready to watch your kid play better?

Right now you can either:

 A) Just cross your fingers and "really hope" that they won't be mentally lost at sea forever...


B) Buy them a simple 1 hour training that gives them a life preserver before they get on the boat

 Give them the help they need, right now

And I know good parents would pay anything to help their kid improve and be happier, but I know you are already spending $1,000's each season so I'm going to give you three affordable options:


If you order today you'll also get FREE access to all of the expert sessions from The Youth Baseball Summit!!

Over 26 sessions from today's top trainers and coaches where you'll learn:

-How to improve velocity

-Why you should NEVER ice your arm

-How to improve vision at the plate

-How to hit for more power

-Why long toss is essential for arm health

-Why the US trails latin countries in player development (and what YOU can do about it)

-and so much more...

And all of our programs come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee......so you get access to ALL of this training - which has TRANSFORMED THOUSANDS of players/families who have stepped up to try something new - All without any risk to you!  It's a no brainer, I promise you're gonna love it.

Choose a package below for instant access:

Bulletproof Packages


The revolutionary program!


197  $77

  • Instant and Lifetime  Access to all of the lessons and quizzes from The Bulletproof Hitter ($197 value)
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • One Family Registration
  • Free Bonus: ALL expert trainings from The Youth Baseball Summit ($297 value)



997  only $297

  • Everything included in the Parent package, plus:
  • Swing Made Easy with MLB Hitting Coach Mike Brumley ($197 value)
  • Youth Pitching Made Easy ($49 value)
  • The Bulletproof Body - Daily Body Maintenance to Prevent Injury ($97 value)

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

To make this a complete no-brainer, you have a 60 day 100% money back guarantee if you don't love the program.  I know what it's like to find something online and I am going to make this investment safe and easy for you.  Zero risk.  Nothing but good things ahead if you step up for your child.

About The Founder - Clint McGill

As a former professional player (minor league with the Astros) and as a dad to a current youth player - I know all about the worry, fear and self doubt that ever ball player faces.

I was undersized as a kid, was too self conscious, a perfectionist and way too hard on myself after a mistake.

Even as a pro I wondered if I truly belonged and played the "what if this doesn't work out for me" game way too much...

And now that I'm a dad, I can see my son and his teammates struggling with the SAME THINGS that held me back from being my best self on the diamond.

So I set out to find a way to address the REAL problem kids are facing in their minds.  

And it turns out, there were answers! 

It sort of made me mad that the answers were so good and readily available and yet I never encountered these techniques when I played!

So my purpose with Baseball Notes and The Bulletproof Hitter is to help young athletes today so they don't have to struggle like I did.

It's a good program, I'm proud of it and I know it can help your player.  Click that button now and let's get started!!


The revolutionary program!


197  $77

  • Instant and Lifetime  Access to all of the lessons and quizzes from The Bulletproof Hitter ($197 value)
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • One Family Registration
  • Free Bonus: ALL expert trainings from The Youth Baseball Summit ($297 value)



1,034  only $297

  • Everything included in the Parent package, plus:
  • Swing Made Easy with MLB Hitting coach Mike Brumley ($97 value)
  • Youth Pitching Made Easy ($97 value)
  • The Bulletproof Body - Daily body maintenance for injury prevention ($97 value)

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