Ball Props – Baseball Notes

Ball Props

Rx'd: 1 Round of 6 in each position

Key Points:

-Start with elbow under chin.

-Stay square to "pitcher" - not flipper - throughout.

-Work hands mostly up and down over back toe (vs pushing them back and behind).

-Back elbow hold - drop ball by toes, not behind heel.

-Don't overdo it!!  Let the position do the work...don't add to it.

-Be loose and tension.

Clint's note: The ball on the chest/shoulder and handle has turned into my go-to for young hitters.  Just make sure the knob points down toward catcher's feet and let the kid take their regular hack.  Takes them a few swings to realize they don't have to over think it, but leads to very quick results.  

Check out our flagship program: The Bulletproof Hitter


I am very thankful you took the time to put this material together, Coop is watching the videos and responding really well to them, asks questions, wants to watch them, tells me what he is going to do and then traces it back to what he was doing in the past. Job well done, Clint, I will keep you updated on his progress.

Danny M.


We just watched a couple videos and completed the quiz. I asked him what he thought and he said, “Dad he’s good. Everything he just said is me, that’s how I feel when I’m hitting!” Thank you for putting out this product, I know it will help him understand his inner feelings and compete differently at the plate.

Errick P. 


Just wanted to say thanks for the videos. My son and I sat and went through them a couple at a time. He went from hitting in the bottom of the lineup, struggling to get a hit a game, to hitting in the 5 hole and being one of the power hitters on the team. He finished the season with a batting average just under .400. He would even rewatch one before every game, thanks again.

Bill H.

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