Drill Demos:
Band Drill 5:50
Foam Roller Drill 8:45
Step Over Drill: 10:34
Time stamps:
1:07 Your leg kick has to match your upper body
3:00 Pack of leg kick = pace of gravity
3:50 "If I can take same rhythm in stride 10x per game, I'm going to have a good shot"
4:32 Giancarlo Stanton stance breakdown
8:00 Stalling and timing contact = hard way to hit
8:30 Must keep separation in back knees (HUGE concept)
9:20 Don't hold roller with knees pinched, hold with hips. Roller should move forward then down.
10:34 Step over drill - "step over with body or step over with head"
11:15 These drills are accomplishing the same thing
11:45 Don't drive knee too soon.
12:12 Proper Sequence: Hip, then knee, then foot.
14:00 Drills are better than "Step 1, 2, 3". Keeps from getting mechanical.
"Clint, we purchased your program back in April. Hayden (my son/10u AAA) and I completed the series. Hayden started playing select ball about 5 seasons ago and has mostly struggled at the plate. He was able to mask his OBP by being very patient at the plate and taking a lot of walks. Quality at bats had been non-existent up until about two months ago, which coincides with the time line in which we were actively going through the Bulletproof Hitter program. During this two month stretch he has absolutely ripped the cover off the ball which has also spilled over to better defense for him. This past Saturday in a USSSA tournament here in TX he hit the fence on the fly about halfway up, he only missed hitting out by a few feet. This is by no ways a platform for me to brag (albeit I was very proud), but a testament to the program. Hayden and I had a talk last night and I asked him what changed for him, why had he become a beast at the plate and so aggressive…..his response “my mindset is completely different”. I absolutely suspected it was your program, however I wanted to hear it from him."
-Steve L.